Epics and Echoes

Beyond the Coffeehouse…

God is never off the grid or down the hall, He’s always in the room.

Epics&Echoes Audio


God is searching for people to be...

by Ron Rose

Hi, my name is Ron

My Choice

My worldview is not accidental… it’s chosen. It’s a gift from the God who made us all. He wants me in His story and that’s fine with me   

He is the source of all objective truth, the originator of empathy, comfort, and peace. He made us for relationship–for family. And, I have have a seat at His table, So….  

I have learned that following Jesus is God’s only path to knowing Him. So, I am a follower. I live as light and salt in the world. Living an adventure focused on making God look good.  

“When I fail, and I fail a lot, God is patient and forgiving–He is full of second chances. That’s why Jesus came to this planet, to show us what God is really like. So I live in an earthbound prelude to heaven. And, I am forever thankful. 

God is still working wonders. He is showing me how to see the unseen, to investigate mysteries, to bring out the good in people around me, to act justly, give mercy, and walk humbly. And I love it.

I laugh, love, and explore, because He gifted me with humor, desire, and curiosity. I seek meaning and wonder and creativity because I am made in His image. I am different from everyone else, but I am the same. God makes it so, He makes harmony out of variety. It is God’s plan to make all things one… I get to be part of that story.

In the end, my life is not about me… it’s about the people around me…how I help and bless them… how I live among them.